Bundestag office building Luisenblock Berlin
Modular building technology for modular timber hybrid construction
Bundestag office building Luisenblock Berlin
Modular building technology for modular timber hybrid construction
Luisenblock Berlin, © Jan Bitter
Clear labeling of the modules
for installation and inspection
Clear labeling of the modules for installation and inspection

Segment plan

Segments with unique addressing
Luisenblock Berlin
Only 20 months planning and construction time!
The seven-storey Luisenblock-West office building is being constructed in the parliamentary district in Berlin-Mitte to meet the German Bundestag’s space requirements at short notice.
According to plans by Sauerbruch Hutton architects, a timber hybrid building with over 400 offices is being planned and built in just 18 months using almost 470 timber modules. The first floor and access cores will be constructed using prefabricated reinforced concrete. The timber modules are prefabricated in a Kaufmann Bausysteme factory in Berlin-Köpenick and assembled on site within 3 months. The approx. 5000m3 of wood used in the 470 modules will grow back over the next 15 years.
The technical modules are developed by digitales bauen in the same way as the timber construction modules, and are based on the office modules in terms of size and system labeling. Consequently, the planning is based on a grid of 321 x 667.5 cm2 for the rooms and 321 x 200 cm2 for the corridor.
Due to the high repetition rate of similar office modules, the number of different technology module types is manageable.
The technology modules are planned as catalog elements using the digital building method, automatically placed in the floor plan and given a unique system identification key for assembly and inspection. The modules are installed in a time-saving manner according to the “plug and play” principle, thus contributing to the innovative overall approach of the building.
Modular Planning HVAC
Project Data
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
Sauerbruch & Hutton
Gross Total Area
17,100 qm
70 Mio €
Service Period
2020 – 2021
Installation of the prefabricated technology modules according to the principle: Plug & Play!
Installation of the prefabricated technology modules according to the principle: Plug & Play!

Automatically generated 3D technology module plan from the technology module catalog

Integrated technology module, type a

Catalog integrated technology modules

Integrated technology module, type a

Technical module, relevant components
The building technology modules were planned in the same way as the timber construction modules.
The building technology modules were planned in the same way as the timber construction modules.

Storey made of timber construction and technology modules

“Completion date undercut by 4 weeks.”
“Completion date undercut by 4 weeks.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung, December 30th 2021

Prefabrication of the timber modules
© Primus Development

Assembly of the timber modules
© Kaufmann Bausysteme

Assembly of the timber modules
© Kaufmann Bausysteme
“Compliance with the construction costs of € 70 million.”
“Compliance with the construction costs of € 70 million.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung, December 30th 2021

Illustration of the Luisenblock timber hybrid construction process
© Sauerbruch Hutton Architects
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